Many Christian parents assume that their way of connecting with God is the way their children should connect with Him.
But your child may connect with God very differently than you.
One day in the spring, as I was walking, I told a 8-year-old boy i met, “The grass was dead all cold, but now it’s coming back to life.
Do you know someone who was dead but came back to life?” His answer, of course, was Jesus!
We then had an interesting conversation about the resurrection and power of God — all because of
green grass.
I wish this type of conversation would happen more often with all little ones all over the world.
I tried starting a similar conversation with an old man i met too but had
less success. One reason is that he has different spiritual temperaments, just as he have different body, personality, interests and also emotional dispositions.
His spiritual temperaments often affect how he learn about God.
Christians all have different and
acceptable ways of demonstrating their love for God.
“Our temperaments will cause us to be more comfortable in some of these expressions than others — and that is perfectly acceptable to God,” says a 32-year-old man i had a chat with.
“In fact, by worshiping God according
to the way He made us, we are affirming His work as Creator.” He concludes.
Some people find it easier to connect with God through their surroundings or routines, while others may prefer service or using their intellect.
A child’s dominant spiritual pathway provides more potential points of connection with God.
Although your child may have a combination of these seven temperaments, you’ll find that one
or two of them may stand out a bit more than the others.
Thats why HESAI‘s spiritual team led by Rtd Tr Kinyoro Gerison always find time in our community to chat with people more especially young ones with an aim of feeding them the word of God so that they can grow with good morals and become better men and women of tomorrow who will serve as an example to others